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Saturday 5 June 2010


Waaaahhh~~!!! I've made a new blog page AGAIN. Seems like I could never hold on to something for a long time, huh? Anyway, holiday just pop in and I am busy like hell!! This is really an advice for me telling me to be serious already and not waste time, right? Heheheh... Like I'd care about that. Even though the due date for submitting my folio are getting nearer, even though my exam will be coming on October, I still wouldn't give up on being lazy and having fun! >D Just, I'll be a little more considerate to my mother so I'll try to finish my assignments ASAP and not to forget, getting A for all my subjects with flying colors~ Oh, I've finished with my talk, so see you again soon~! I just hope that I won't ignore this blog forever... 0_<

Mood : Not really happy. I'm having a cold right now.
Song : Arashi - Monster

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