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Tuesday 8 June 2010

I wanna go.....!!!!!

....to KFC as in Kentucky Fried Chicken. I really, really wanna go. I don't want to just buy the Zinger Burger and eat it at home, I want to buy it, and EAT it at the place itself. Arghhh!!!! I really, REALLY rarely EVER go out and eat outside, and sometimes, I'm dying to do it. I can't eat at the Waterfall, since it's in Kuala Selangor and I need someone to bring me there. But everytime EVERY TIME, even on special occasions i.e my birthday they never brings me there even when I asked them to. Is it really such a hassle to fulfill the wish of a small child like me? And I even RARELY asked them for ANYTHING except for schooling, tuitions, and some school appliances. Even as a daddy and mommy's daughter(I'm the youngest, so they dote on me), I never asked for any birthday presents. Not like my father even think about it.I've made my mind. Yes or no, I'll go by myself tomorrow after going to the library and the cyber cafe to search for materials for my assignment.

Mood : Unhappy. I'm sulking as I wrote this.
Song : Yui Makino - Tsuki no Shijima

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