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Wednesday 16 June 2010


Yesterday is one of the best times in my life! I went to a saloon for the first time after some years, and I even get to have my hair washed by them. Oohh... it's a long pleasure. My hair still smells like the shampoo they used on me. But somehow I still feel like it's such a waste. I've kept my hair for about 3 or more years..... The length before I cut it, they're almost to my waist. Now it's length are only about my shoulders.. (TT^TT) Well, I'm not regretting it though. I like my new hairstyle. It's not long, but it's not short either. Just good. The hairstylist is good. She made my hair into layers to make my hair looks thin and light. My mother also get a new haircut. Somehow the hairstyle just doesn't look good on her. It's just too..... thin? Well, I can't complain on other people's preference. My sister said she looks like a Chinese woman. Can't be denied. Even though distant, we do have some Chinese blood in our vein, coming from my mother. I took the most from my mother. All my  siblings have curly wave hair like my father while I'm the only one with straight hair like my mother. When I was small, even my father's patients that's Chinese thought I'm a Chinese. I don't look like Chinese now though. When I moved to my current home, my skin turned a little dark. Well, it's not dark but... how do you say it? ....Chestnut? or yellowish chocolate? Like that? Whatever it is, I know that I'm outta topic right now. Better go before I talk big about myself again. =D

Mood : Happy
Song: Arashi - Happiness

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