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Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Who doesn't like to be loved?

Okay, seriously. This is totally random and doesn't have anything to do with the title :P

I just totally love it when people like what I posted <3. No matter where I posted. Facebook, Tumblr, Deviantart, Blogger.... I just love it! It's not wrong to bask in that kind of happiness, right? :D

Someone said I'm a nosy person. Not at all, I think? I just love to be of some use to others. Besides, it wasn't as if I always help people out. Most of the time I'm a lazybum, and I hate to be disturbed. So when I have the heart to be kind to other people, I will do it wholeheartedly.

That's why when people thanked me or like what I did for them, I'll feel very H.A.P.P.Y! (I'm not being narcissistic!)

...Whatever (>3<). Here's a cute gift for all the sleepyheads in the world! A mini theater with no one else; MY *ehem* our beloved Khairi! with his little sister Iman <3 Gosh I love her attitude!

Waking people up is no easy feat.... ^^;;;
Until then! <3

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