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Friday 25 June 2010

5 cents and a storm...

To put it simply, a disaster. The story starts when the last week to send my History folio start, or about 2 days before. I was so busy like hell, and my classmates starts to bug me about going out from my house to copy them something and blahblahblah. I don't really mind if it's just the boarder in our school who ask me to(not like I wanted to do it though. It's just that I pity them, since they cannot have an outing like the other boarding school nearby) But what annoy me is that the person who is the root of this problem, Miss 'P.M', is not a BOARDER like ME, so why must I do you a favor?!!! And what makes me mad is that because of her, my mind is in a mess almost everytime and my money has reduced until it almost becoming dust! AAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!! I make up my mind, next time, NO MORE DOING FAVORS FROM ALL OF YOU!!! This is to be fair, because I don't want to be an obliging person. I am NOT your GOPHER so that's it!!

Mood : I'm raging with fire. yaahh!!!
Song : Arashi - Troublemaker

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