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Friday 5 November 2010

Boring? Yeah, I know I'm a boring person....

When I look at other people post on their blog, I laughed.
When I read again my blog's post, I didn't laugh. More like, I'm embarrassed.
I really hate my post. Not just one. But all of them.
I'm jealous of other people. They have many ideas for them to blog. But not me.
Why? Nande? Kenape?
I don't know. Wakannai. Tak tau. Wo bu xie taw.(ntah btol ke x aku tulis nih...)

People said "You're boring."
I said "Yes, I know I'm boring."
  "You always looked like you're mad/angry"
I answered "Yes and in fact, I AM angry with myself, with you, with all of you"
But that's what I won't answer. And question that people won't ask me.
Don't ask me why. I don't know. YOU don't know. It's just my problem.
I know I'm negative. I'm not a pessimist. I'm pretty heartless. I'm not sensitive. I'm stupid. I'm lazy. I act like a madman = crazy. I'm ugly. I'm an otaku. I know people hate me. I know people feel uncomfortable around me. I realized that a long time ago.

I know that overall, I'm not a good person. But neither are YOU.

I know we shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Yes, I know that. But I always feel discriminated. I always feel that people betrayed me when I started to trust them. I always feel that nobody wants to be my friend, but maybe that's because I never want to acknowledge them as friends? Or maybe they're actually never want to be my friend in the first place.


Ugh..... that's enough negative thinking for now... I think my heart will break if I wrote too much.Well, whatever. Now that I've released some(?) stress, I think I ought to have some fun. As a present to cheer me up, a song from UxMishi, a virtual band from Kaichou wa Maid-sama!(President is a Maid) entitled Yume no Hana (Flower of Dream). Click below to listen!

UxMishi - Yume no Hana



  1. Gosh what makes you said that ? I love you , i truly do :'( Nobody wants to be your friend ? I AM :'(

  2. Nevermind, I love you too ^_^ thank you for being my friend <3
