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Friday 24 December 2010


Hehehe.... I'm expressing my gratitude. I'm so happy today. Alhamdulillah. The start of this song doesn't have anything to do with my gratitude but at the end, you'll find how I really want to express my gratitude to the Almighty Allah Taala.(hint: Thank You)
Thank You for letting me born into my family.
Thank You for letting me born Islam.
Thank You for letting me learn how to be a Mukmin. (Though I maybe kinda bad at it ^^;;;)
Thank You for letting me understand Arabic
Thank You for bringing wonderful teachers to teach me.
Thank You for giving me 4A(and 1B) in my UPSR
Thank You for giving me Jayyid Jidan in my PSRA.
Thank You for giving me 8A(and another 1B) in my PMR.
Thank You for loving me.
Thank You for loving my family.
Thank You for loving my dear cousin.
Thank You for loving all my dear friends.
Thank You for the past, present and the future too.
Thank You for letting me have all this opportunities.I'm truly grateful to you, even though I always missed to meet you.
Please continue loving me, my family, friends and everyone around me.
I'm truly, really happy for your present this year.

My PMR result this year
Honestly, I cried really hard. I cried before taking my exam.The next day my eyes swollen haha XD. I cried a little after taking my result( Because I cried so much before the exam, only a little tears was left for me to cry haha). I actually love crying. But all the tears are worthy of it. So I'm making an announcement :

Syukran Jazilan wa Alhamdulillah Ya Allah!!

and one more thing : Thank You to all my friends from Elementary School to Middle School,

I L<3VE YOU ALL my heart  ^^

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