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Thursday 9 December 2010

Oh I truly, PURELY HATE them....!!!

1. A state where people ask me to do them a favor. (Which usually I refuse, because it's annoying, I hate to be outdoor for useless errand AND I didn't profit anything from it.)

2. A messy place, situations, etc... (I may look unfashionable, sloppy, or whatever, but at least I'm an organized person. No matter how messy I may look like, I always make sure my place is at least 'proper' to look at.)

3. An annoyingly STUPID ANNOYING KIDS. (Not only are they annoying, they're stupid as well. Yes, it's STUPID, not IDIOT. Idiot is a words for a naive person. STUPID is acting as if they're dumb, not even know the meaning of PUT YOUR TRASH IN THE DUSTBIN. All they know are : "Oh they're so many junkfood, let's eat them, watch tv with cartoons that have BM dub only and put the leftovers without a care there, hihihi." I'LL SERIOUSLY KILL YA if I'm a cold blooded killer.)

4. People who told me to do chores with their only excuse of not doing it are : "You don't know how to cook, learn it! You don't cook, blahblahblah... All the chores you did are all things that are easy to do... Think about your old mother... When will you stop depending on her...etcetc... (THEN WHY DON'T YOU DO IT YOURSELF!!! You don't know how hard it is to lift the basket full of wet clothes to be dried, with the annoying sick cats and the ducks shitting everywhere, and then take the all dried clothes which must be at least 2 basketfull to the second floor, before that washing the dirty dishes in the sink which always ends up with a strangely stinky smell I couldn't stand while you? What do you do? Cook for lunch. SO WHAT?!! LIKE HELL I'D CARE!!! I did my work and that's THAT!! You only did 1 things and you're already bragging about it, just because I CAN'T COOK? bullshit, stupid. I'm already kind enough to help. Don't take it for granted, and don't think I'll obey everything just because you have seniority in the family.)

5. A person who said : "I don't wanna be anyone's enemy, I want to be friends with all of you...blahblahblah..[defending the person he/she is talking with]..." (Seriously, this person is a TWO-FACED, LYING, BACKSTABBING, UNSINCERE person. I seriously hate this type of person. They act like they're innocent, kind, warm-hearted...everything that describes a good person. Meh, they're just pretending. Sure, they maybe actually a real kind person, but I HARDLY believe there are any nowadays. Heck, one time they said you're a decent, if not, a little different than other 'normal' people, the next they listen to others calling you a crazy, weird, annoying, fierce, ugly and dumb. Unfortunately, this kind of people are well liked by people and also incredibly popular.)


Sigh.. the list would go on and on if I continue, but this is in the top 5 list. People might say I'm selfish, lazy, whatever in the 7 deadly sins as stated by the people that have faith in those made-up-gods, but as if I'd care. What's wrong with being myself? I'm sorry if this post is offending people or if this seems like an insult but this is how I feel. I don't think I'm the only one who uses blog to vent their stress and anger, there's many other who slam their frustations on the net. So why not? (^_^)

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